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I Begged for It, and They Gave It to Me!

There's a commercial for Danmer Custom Shutters that makes me laugh every time I see it on TV. Amidst the serious sales pitch is a shot of a woman flourishing in front of her white shutters while holding a container of cleaner and a roll of paper towels. Whether the sound is on or off, I spit out my Diet Coke in delight.

I've been wanting to show you this ad for a while, but, alas, I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet, even though Danmer has a YouTube channel. They've posted testimonials and such, but no TV commercials, much to my chagrin.

So, I did what any good blogger would do—I left a comment on the Danmer page, asking them to upload the aforementioned TV spot. And guess what? They did!!!!!

Hurry up and view this now before they take it down after realizing that we're all laughing at them and not with them. (But, hey, Danmer people, all publicity is good publicity, right? Plus, my blog will get this one video more views than you've gotten for all your posted videos combined! Leave this up forever please!) Watch:

Do you realize how dedicated I am? I went through all that effort to give you a split second of fun!

(I've replayed that lady spinning a half dozen times already—how many times did you replay it?)

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