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Wal-Mart heirs finally give their slaves a bigger wage

Carl Olsen
   Feeling pressures from activist and agitators Wal Mart finally decided and announced that they were going to raise their stagnant wages up to nine dollars an hour. Wal-Mart said it was going to change the way it trains and pays workers and it seems that the company finally realized that a cell paid work force usually showed in the service and customer support they provided to shoppers. I once was in a Wal-Mart to buy an IPod and the black girl I was inquiring about it made it seem like I was intruding on her for seeking answers to questions for a potential purchase. The workforce for this store totally sucked and was a reason why many decided to skip the shopping for cheap Chinese products in person and went on-line instead for junk. Wal-Mart also knows that the people who work I. Wal-Marts often do all their shop g at Wal-Marts and is primarily one of the reasons the suckers want to work for a place like this. Wal-Marts around this country are often the most aesthetically displeasing buildings often just being big warehouses with a bunch of the same boring products dumped about in a big space. Everything you can find in a Wal-Mart you can find in a Ace Hardware store that are usually smaller and have many workers about eagerly ready to asset so done. The pressure is on these big retailers as governments and organized protestors are demands g higher wages to help the masses of struggling hourly workers in these dead end jobs and no prospects I. This economy as the banking and loan masters really want no good jobs available u less people are willing to put themselves in massive debt for loans and time wasted in colleges. Many economists though say these pay hicks will not be enough for the workers to afford high transportation costs and affordable housing and food prices. These are all other categories protestors am want to look I to and help getting reduced as government bailouts of auto companies have done nothing to producing cleaner affordable cars and there is little justification for expensive housing when there are so few decent high paying jobs. Perhaps if there were more bailouts for workers on the low end of the pay scale and less for wealth towards executives and money distributors loaners to maintain their elegant lifestylethis Wal-Mart issue and the plight of the workers wold not be an issue. Image result for wal mart workers

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