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OUTFIT: Set On Fire

Hello Hello!

You may have noticed that I've been absent for a while, I haven't really been feeling too well. And let's face it, there just isn't any point in blogging when you're not feeling it!

I feel miles better now, yay! I've also noticed that I've been losing a bit of weight as well. I'm pretty sure it's down to me riding the bicycle. I can ride poppy for miles and miles. It can get quite tiring, but when you're really enjoying it you don't tend to notice.

Anyways, on Thursday I went to see Friendly Fires at Manchester Sound Control just off Oxford Road. I'd never been there before, but I had walked past it a few times. Apparently it used to be a music store! My initial thoughts on the venue were good, it was quite small and had the capacity for about 400 people. It's perfect to get an intimate atmosphere with the band.

The thing I loved most about the place was a small platform at the side which I could stand on and overlook all the giants in front of me. Would you believe it, all the petite ladies were up there on it. I saw everything for once. And I'll tell you what, another great thing about being small is you can always make your way down to the front! This was really a band I actually wanted to see, not just hear. The lead singer's dance moves are just awesome!

Sorry I'm waffling on a bit, back to the topic... outfit!

Lately I feel a lot of the stuff in the high street is boring me a little bit, I've already got about 2,045,339 sheer blouses. I don't need any more no matter how many nice shiny new colours they come in! And all the florals look so samey. I decided to root through my wardrobe and find out exactly what I've got in there.

In amongst the chaos and carnage that is my wardrobe, I came across a golden nugget... A sheer, beaded tunic with scatters of flame red which I wore for Eid a couple of years ago. I just cannot believe I only wore it once, look how stunning it is!


I love the way the sunlight reflects off the beads, it looks so blingy! Obvs.






Chariot Tunic Top - All Saints
Basic Black Vest underneath - H&M
Michael Kors Watch MK5055

Red Leather Camera ring - Freedom, Topshop
Gold Binoculars necklace - Freedom, Topshop

Don't you just love it when you find something you adore and turns out you already own it? Haha.

Back to Friendly Fires:

Time flew by, felt like I was only there for an hour, it was incredibly fun, especially seeing the lead singer dance, he is outrageously energetic. Some people find his moves amusing, I found it electrifying.

They played a mixture of their old stuff along with the new album, Pala which is out next Monday. The new stuff got a bit of a quiet reception from the crowd, most likely were hearing it for the first time, although this week, the whole album is available to stream via their website.

The most appealing tune I found was Hawaiian Air. It sounds fresh, vibrant, and is an obvious festival classic in the making.

Until next time...

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