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More Memorable Quotes from Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Here more random quotes/lines from the P&P movie...

Kitty: Can I wear your spotted muslin? Oh, please, Jane.
Jane: No, I need it.
Kitty: Please, Jane, I'll lend you my green sleepers.
Jane: They were mine.
Kitty: Oh, where they? Well, then I'll do your mending for a week.
Lydia: I'll re-trim your new bonnet.
Kitty: Two weeks.
Lydia: I'll repay you myself Jane.
Lydia: Jane, look at me, Jane.
Jane: But I want to wear it myself.


Lizzie (talking to Jane): Mr. Collins is the sort of man... who makes you despair at the entire sex...
Mr. Wickham (picks up Lizzie's handkerchief): Yours, I believe.
Lydia: Mr. Wickham, how perfect you are.
Kitty: He picked up my handkerchief, too. Did you drop yours on purpose too, Lizzie?
Lydia: Mr. Wickham's a lieutenant.
Mr. Wickham: An enchanted lieutenant.
Jane: What are you up to, Liddy?
Lydia: We just happened to be looking for some ribbon.
Kitty: White, for the ball.
Mr. Wickham: Shall we all look for some ribbon together?
Lydia and Kitty: [laughs and giggles]
Lydia: Good afternoon, Mr. James.
Milliner: Good afternoon, Miss Lydia. Miss Bennet.
Mr. Wickham: I shan't even browse. I can't be trusted. I have very poor taste in ribbons.
Lizzie: Only a man truly confident of himself would admit to that.
Mr. Wickham: No, it's true. And buckles. When it comes to buckles, I'm lost.
Lizzie: Dear, oh dear. You must be the shame of the regiment.
Mr. Wickham: A laughingstock.
Lizzie: What do your superiors do with you?
Mr. Wickham: Ignore me. I'm of next to no importance, so it's easily done.
Lydia: Lizzie, lend me some money.
Lizzie: You already owe me a fortune, Liddy.
Mr. Wickham: Allow me to oblige.
Lizzie: Oh, no, Mr. Wickham, please.
Mr. Wickham (hands money to Lydia): I insist.


Lizzie: I pity the French.
Lydia (to Jane and Kitty): What are they talking about?
Wickham: So do I, miserable bunch.
Jane: I don't know. Look Mr. Bingley!
Kitty: Mr. Bingley!
Mr. Bingley: I was just on my way to your house.
Lydia: Mr. Bingley, how do you like my ribbons for your ball?
Mr. Bingley: Very beautiful.
Lydia (teases Jane in front of Bingley and Darcy): She is. Look at her. She's blooming.
Jane: Oh, Lydia!
Lydia: Be sure to invite Mr. Wickham, he is a credit to his profession.
Jane: Lydia, you can't invite people to other people's balls.
Mr. Bingley: Of course, you must come, Mr. Wickham. If you'll excuse me ladies. Enjoy the day.


Jane: I still think there must have been a misunderstanding.
Lizzie: Oh, Jane, do you never think ill of anybody?
Jane: Well, how could Mr. Darcy do such a thing? I'll discover the truth from Mr. Bingley... at the ball this evening.
Lizzie: If it's not true, let Mr. Darcy contradict it himself. Till he does, I hope to never encounter him.
Jane: Poor, unfortunate, Mr. Wickham.
Lizzie: On the contrary, Wickham is twice the man Darcy is.
Jane: And let us hope, a rather more willing dancer.


Mrs. Bennet: Lizzie, how fortunate you have arrived. Your aunt and uncle are here to deliver Jane from London.
Lizzie: How is Jane?
Mrs. Bennet: She's in the drawing room.


Jane: I'm quite over him, Lizzie. If he passed me in the street, I'd hardly notice.  London is so diverting.
Lizzie: Jane.
Jane: It's true. There's so much to entertain.
Jane: What news of Kent?
Lizzie: Nothing. At least not much to entertain.

Kitty: Lizzie, Lizzie, tell Mama, tell her!
Mrs. Gardiner: Oh, Kitty, stop making such a fuss.
Kitty (sobs): Why didn't she ask me as well?
Mrs. Gardiner: She probably can't afford it.
Lydia: Because I'm better company.
Lizzie: Kitty, what's the matter?
Kitty: I've just as much right as Lydia.
Mrs. Bennet: If I could but go to Brighton.
Kitty: Also, because I'm two years older.
Mrs. Gardiner: Lets all go!
Jane (to Lizzie): Lydia's been invited to go to Brighton with the Forsters.
Mrs. Bennet: A little sea-bathing would set me up very nicely.
Lydia (dances): I shall dance with the officers every night.


Lizzie: Please, Papa, don't let her go.
Mr. Bennet: Liddy will never be easy until she's exposed herself... in some public place or other... and we can never expect her to do it with so little inconvenience...  as under present circumstances.
Lizzie: If you, dear father, do not take the trouble to check her... she will be fixed forever as the silliest and most determined flirt... who ever made her family ridiculous. And Kitty will follow, as she always does.
Mr. Bennet: Lizzie, we shall have no peace until she goes.
Lizzie: Peace. Is that all you really care about?
Mr. Bennet: Colonel Forster is a sensible man. He will keep her out of any real mischief.  And she's far too poor to be an object of prey to anyone.
Lizzie: Father, it's dangerous.
Mr. Bennet: I am certain... the officers will find women better worth their while. Let us hope, in fact, that her stay in Brighton... will teach her, her own insignificance. At any rate, she can hardly grow any worse.  If she does... we'd be obliged to lock her u for the rest of her life.


Mrs. Bennet (sobbing): Oh, why did the Forsters let her out of their sight? I always said they were unfit to take charge of her.
Mary: Now, she's ruined.
Mrs. Bennet: You are all ruined.
Mrs. Bennet: Who will take you now with a fallen sister? Poor Mr. Bennet will now have to fight the perfidious Wickham...and then be killed.
Lizzie: He hasn't found him yet, Mama.
Mrs. Bennet: And Mr. Collins will turn us out before he's cold in his grave.
Jane: Do not be alarmed, Mama. Our uncle has gone to London and is helping in the search.
Mrs. Bennet: Lydia must know what this must be doing to my nerves. Such flutterings and spasms all over me. My baby Lydia. How could she do such a thing to her poor mama?


Mary (takes letter from Kitty who tries to open it): You can't do that.
Kitty (takes letter back from Mary): Don't be such a baby.
Mary: Kitty, give it to me!
Kitty: No!
Jane (takes letter from Kitty): Who is it for? It's addressed to Papa.
Lizzie (takes letter from Jane, lol): It's in uncle's writing.
Lizzie (runs outside with her sisters to see their father): Papa, there's a letter!
Mr. Bennet: Let me catch my breath.
Lizzie: It's in uncle's writing.
Mr. Bennet: He has found them.
Kitty: Are they married?
Mr. Bennet: Wait. I can't make out his script.
Lizzie (takes letter from her Papa): Oh, give it to me!
Kitty: Are they married?
Lizzie: They will be, if father will settle 100 pounds a year on her. That is Wickham's condition.
Kitty: A hundred pounds?
Lizzie: You will agree to this, Father?
Mr. Bennet: Of course, I'll agree. God knows how much your uncle must have laid on that wretched man.
Kitty: What do you mean, Father?
Mr. Bennet: No man in his senses would marry Lydia... under so slight a temptation as 100 pounds a year. Your uncle must have been very generous.
Jane (to Lizzie): Do you think it a large sum?
Lizzie: Wickham is a fool if he accepts less than 10,000 pounds.
Jane: 10,000 (pounds)? Heaven forbid.
Lizzie: Father!


Mrs. Bennet: Lydia married. And at 15, too. Ring the bell, Kitty. I must put on my things and tell Lady Lucas. Oh, to see her face. And tell the servants they will have a bowl of punch.
Lizzie: We should thank our uncle, Mama.
Mrs. Bennet: And so he should help. He's far richer than us and has no children. A daughter, married!
Lizzie: Is that really all you think about?
Mrs. Bennet: When you have five daughers, Lizzie... tell me what else will occupy your thoughts... and then perhaps you will understand.
Lizzie: You don't know what he's [Wickham] like.


Lydia: You must all go to Brighton... for that is the place to get husbands. I hope you have half my good luck.
Lizzie: Lydia.
Mrs. Bennet: I want to hear every little detail, Lydia, dear.
Lydia (showing off her wedding ring to her Mama): Oh, Mama!
Mrs. Bennet: Beautiful.
Mr. Wickham (to Mr. Bennet): I've been enlisted in a regiment in the North of England, sir.
Mr. Bennet: Glad to hear it.
Mr. Wickham: Near Newcastle. We travel there next week.
Kitty (to Wickham): Can I come and stay with you?
Mr. Bennet (to Kitty): That is out of the question!
Kitty: [grins]
Lydia (to Lizzie): Well, Monday morning came and I was such in a fuss.
Lizzie: I don't want to hear.
Lydia: There was my aunt preaching and talking away...as if she was reading a sermon. She was horrid unpleasant.
Lizzie: Can't you understand why?
Lydia: But I didn't hear a word because I was thinking of my dear Wickham. I longed to know whether he'd be married in his blue coat.
Mary (randomly talks to anyone who would listen, lol): The North of England, I believe, boasts some spectacular scenery.
Lydia (resumes talking to Lizzie): And then my uncle was called away... from the church on business... and I thought, 'who is to be our best man if he doesn't come back?' Lucky he did come back or I would have had to ask Mr. Darcy... but I don't really like him.
Lizzie: Mr. Darcy?!
Lydia: Oh, I forgot. But I shouldn't have said a word.
Lizzie: Mr. Darcy was at your wedding?
Lydia: He was the one that discovered us. He paid for the wedding, Wickham's commission. Everything. But don't tell anyone. He told me not to tell.
Lizzie: Mr. Darcy?
Lydia: Stop it, Lizzie! Mr. Darcy's not half as high and mighty as you sometimes.
Mrs. Bennet: Tell Kitty to stop glaring at Mr. Wickham...your father is doing enough for the pair of them.
Lydia: Kitty, have you seen my ring?


Kitty: He's here! He's here. He's at the door! Mr. Bingley!
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Bingley? Oh, my goodness! Everybody behave naturally. And whatever you do, do not appear overbearing.
Kitty: Look, there's someone with him.
Jane: Mama, Mama!
Kitty: Mr. What's-his-name. The pompous one from before.
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Darcy! The very insolence of it. What does he think of coming here? Keep still, Jane. mary, put that away at once. Find some useful employment. Oh, my Lord! I shall have a seizure, I'm sure I shall.
Jane: Kitty!  Kitty!
Mrs. Bennet: We can't have this here.
Jane: Mary, the ribbons, the ribbons, the ribbons.
Mary: [throws ribbons to Jane]
Mrs. Bennet: Mary, sit down at once. Mary!
Mrs. Hill: Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley, ma'am.
Mr. Bingley: Good...
Mrs. Bennet: How very glad we are to see you, Mr. Bingley. There's been a great many changes since you went away. Miss Lucas is married and settled.  And one of my own daughters too. You will have seen it in the papers... though it was not put in as it ought to have been. Very short, nothing about her family.
Mr. Bingley: Yes. Yes, I did hear of it. I offer my congratulations.
Mrs. Bennet: But it's hard to have my Lydia taken away from me. Mr. Wickham has been transfered to Newcastle, wherever that is.
Lizzie: Do you hope to stay long in the country, Mr. Bingley?
Mr. Bingley: Just a few weeks for the shooting.
Mrs. Bennet: When you have killed all your own birds, Mr. Bingley... I beg you will come here and shoot as many as you please.
Mr. Bingley: Thank You.
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Bennet will be vastly happy to oblige you... and will save all the best of coveys for you.
Mr. Bingley: Excellent.
Lizzie: Are you well, Mr. Darcy?
Mr. Darcy: Quite well, thank you.
Lizzie: I hope that the weather stays fine for your sport.
Mr. Darcy: I return to town tomorrow.
Lizzie: So soon?
Mrs. Bennet: My Jane looks well... does she not?
Mr. Bingley: She does indeed. Well, we must be going, I think. Darcy? It's been very pleasant to see you all again. Miss Elizabeth. Miss Bennet.
Mrs. Bennet: You must come again. From when you were in town last winter... you promised to have a family dinner with us.  I've not forgot, you see. At least three courses.
Mr. Bingley: [Bows and leave]
Mr. Darcy (bows): Excuse me.


Mrs. Bennet: Most Extraordinary.


Mr. Bingley: We were going to walk in, and she was going to say, 'sit down.' No, No. No. So, I feel... Oh, It's a disaster, isn't it? It's been, it's...
Mr. Bingley (practices proposal with Darcy): Miss Bennet.
Mr. Darcy (pretends to be Jane Bennet, lol): Mr. Bingley.
Mr. Bingley: I just go in and I'll just say it.
Mr. Darcy: Yes. Exactly, exactly.
Mr. Bingley: Oh, God!


Jane: I'm glad it's over. At least now we can meet as indifferent acquaintances.
Lizzie: Oh, yes.
Jane: No, you cannot think of me so weak as to be in danger now.
Lizzie: I think you're in great danger of making him... as much in love with you as ever.
Jane: I'm sorry though that he came with Mr. Darcy.
Lizzie: Don't say that.
Jane: Why ever not?
Lizzie: Jane... I've been so blind.
Jane: What do you mean?
Kitty (interrupts Lizzie and Jane's conversations): Look, it's him! He's back. He's come again.

Mr. Bingley: I know this is all very untoward... but I would like to request a privilege... of speaking to Miss Bennet. Alone.
Mrs. Bennet: Everybody to the kitchen. Immediately. Except you, Jane dear. Of course.
Mrs. Bennet: Oh, Mr. Bingley. It is so good to see you again so soon.

Mr. Bingley (as he proposes to Jane): First, I must tell you. I have been... the most unmitigated and comprehensive ass. [kneels down in front of Jane to propose]
Jane: Yes, a thousand times yes.

Mrs. Bennet (after eavesdropping, interrupts Jane & Bingley moment): Thank the Lord for that. I thought it would never happen.

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Memorable Quotes from Pride & Prejudice (2005)

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