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Jamie Hayter gets down and dirty

For the record, she is one of the hottest women I have ever seen.

Jamie Hayter gets down and dirty

Jamie Hayter was a British wrestler who worked a lot in Japan and started to work in AEW. She was like a pantomime heel. She played the role of a bully. She would even lick her finger and stick it in her opponents’ ears. She wore mainly black. She was quite funny really. She knew how to get reactions from people. She also had an incredible body with thick sexy thighs and a lovely behind. She was clearly a very kinky person just based on the way she spoke, acted and dressed. She had a bit of a dirty mouth and a kinky way about her.

She became involved in an angle with another wrestler. The angle was that she was bullying the lady, but in a pseudo-sexual way. She would do things like spank her and would also try to give her a version of the stink face making her kiss her behind etc. She would stick her tongue out and make lewd gestures. She bragged that she was going to make her opponent be her bitch.

During their big blow off match, Jamie brought down some handcuffs to the ring. She bragged in the pre-match about kicking her opponent’s ass. She was very overconfident. Of course, her cockiness would come to be her undoing. The match started with Jamie dominating. She was larger than her opponent and used her weight to her advantage. She used her bottom and legs to push against her opponent to try to wear her out.

She would stop and mouth off at the fans every few minutes, bragging about what she was going to do to her opponent. The crowd heartily booed her. Unfortunately for her, she did this one too many times. She was mouthing off to the crowd, when her opponent got to her feet and grabbed Jamie between her legs, rolling her up for the three count and defeating her.

Jamie was livid she jumped to her feet and started to argue and complain to the referee and the crowd. Once again this did not work in her favour, because while she was not paying attention, her opponent grabbed the handcuffs that Jamie had brought herself and handcuffed Jamie to the ropes before she knew what was happening.

Jamie looked over at her opponent in shock. She then started to shout obscenities and threats at her. Her opponent pointed at her and shook her finger at her. She now had the upper hand. She grabbed the microphone. She said,” You thought you were going to humiliate me. Well now it’s my turn to humiliate that fat ass of yours. I brought a little surprise of my own just for you.” She then went under the ring. She emerged hold two items; a gigantic cream pie and a bucket. Jamie continued to struggle and shout. She also had a large oversized paddle with her. Jamie’s complaining turned to begging when she saw what her opponent had with her.

Her opponent approached Jamie. The crowd cheered, wanting to see this happen.  She forcefully unzipped her outfit and pulled it down her body to her knees. She had nothing on underneath at all. Jamie’s breasts, behind and vagina were completely exposed. She begged her off. Jamie had large natural floppy breasts, hairy vagina with fluffy fuzzy pubic hair and an enormous thick ass. She had sexy tattoos on her body as well. Jamie pouted. Her opponent now mocker her.

Her opponent took the paddle and slapped in on her hand motioning that she was about to spank Jamie’s naked behind with it. It provided a huge and enticing target. The whole crowd began to count as Jamie’s backside was spanked. One, two, three, all the way to ten. Jamie winced and comically wiggled her body as tinges of humiliation rippled through her body. Her opponent mocked her telling her that she was a very naughty girl. She then pretended to pout. She rubbed Jamie’s bare red behind. She then held her nose, acting as though Jamie stunk. She waved her hand.

She then grabbed the pie and smiled evilly. “Oh yeah, oh yeah. She deserves this. I am going to enjoy pieing this bitch. You deserve this.” The pie was enormous. It looked as though it was double the size of a normal pie. She put one hand on Jamie’s shoulder and leaned back. She then slammed the pie as hard as she could into Jamie’s face. Pie flew in all directions. She twisted the pie around in her face with both hands, completely creaming her rival. When she pulled away, Jamie pouted, her face was covered in creamy pie. There was a halo of residual cream around her chest. Jamie screamed.

Her opponent then grabbed the bucket. It was filled with foul smelling brown mess. It was basically slop, but it had been under the ring all day festering. It was pungent in smell. “Let’s slop this pig,” her opponent shouted. The crowd began to chant,” slop that pig.” She then lifted the bucket over Jamie’s head. Jamie shouted as the bucket tipped. The disgusting slop rolled out all over Jamie. It poured on her two toned hair, face and then went all over her body. Her opponent tool her time dispersing the mess all over Jamie’s body. Chunks of sloppy mess poured onto her legs, ass and breasts. Her face was still a mask of pie. She was still trapped in the ropes. She was now covered in messy slop.

Her opponent then pulled out the key to the handcuffs. She displayed it for Jamie. “Looking for this?,” she asked. She waved it around in front of her. She then looked in various directions before launching the key into the crowd. She then theatrically waved her hand. She then exited the arena. Jamie was left trapped in the ropes. The ring crew had to come out later and free her.

She later did an interview saying that she did not mind what happened to her at all. She said that she does that sort of thing most weekends, but usually with a bloke.

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