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[ Catching Fall ] - part 2

Hi, Superstars! 

ENG: Today second part of the Fall photoshoot! :) We were on the way to have some dinner in " Ostas Skati" , restaurant that is by the river Daugava. Nice place, was even nicer some years ago when there was other owner. But that story is sad and not worth mentioning...  So we went there to have some food and get the energy for the rest of the day! Unfortunately... for vegetarians there is almost nothing to eat ( at least nothing serious ) . But something I found and it was still delicious. I think it is a perfect location for romantic dinner during the summer time- cause they have outside terrace by the river... some yachts are parked there. A bit like a fairytale. ;) So these pictures was more city like. 
While I am writing this post - outside is raining, my room is full with candles and I am wrapped in plaid. 
How do you cheer yourself up in these chilly evenings? p.s. I just was in the cinema and watched Luc Besson movie - The Family ( about mafia) This is a must see. as I am obsessed with Italy and it's culture. I was just so happy to watch it. cool movie - I suggest to watch it.
Night, Night everyone- have a lovely day tomorrow!

LV: Šodien otrā daļa no rudens bildēšanās! :) Mēs bijām ceļā, lai ieturētu maltīti/pusdienas " Ostas skatos" , restorāns, kurš atrodas Daugavs upes krastā. Jauka vieta, bija jaukāka dažus gadus atpakaļ, kad tur bija cits īpašnieks. Bet tas stāsts ir skumjš un nav pieminēšanas vērts. Tāpēc mēs tur bijā lai tiktu pie ēdiena un enerģijas atlikušajai dienai. Diemžēl... veģetāriešiem tur ir gandrīz " nekas", ko ēst (vismaz nekas nopietns). Bet es kaut ko atradu un tas tik un tā bija vienreizēji gards. Manuprāt, perfekta vieta romantiskām vakariņām vasaras laikā- uz āra terases, upes krastā.. kur pietauvotas jahtiņas. Uh, nedaudz kā pasakā;) . Šīs bildes tapa vairāk pilsētnieciskākas. 
Kamēr rakstu šo ierasktu- ārā līst,  istabā deg sveces un esmu ietinusies plediņā. Kā jūs uzlabojat sev omu šādos drēgnos vakaros? p.s Tikko biju uz kino un noskatījos Lika Besona filmu - Ģimene (" Malavita" ) par mafiju. Šī filma ir noteikti jāredz. Tā kā es esmu pilnīgi traka uz visu kas saistīts ar itāliju un viņu kultūru. Es biju tik priecīga to redzēt. Vienreizēja filma- visiem noteikti iesaku. 
Saldus sapņus visiem - novēlu rīt  jauku dienu! 

Photos : Reinis Brūvelis

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