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Lush: Mask Of Magnaminty Review

The smell of the mask is really inviting as it smells super fresh and minty, pretty much exactly like aero mint chocolate bubbles, which for me is fab. I've used the mask on two occasions now, at first it made my face feel really, really cold, I wouldn't really recommend this as a face mask to 'relax' to; it wasn't a stinging or unpleasant feeling on my skin, it was just very odd and cold, even colder when I washed it off with water...but maybe that's just something I'm getting! The mask is a nice exfoliant too.

Once I'd washed the mask off, oh hot damn...my skin has never felt so soft, clean and literally (excuse the pun) minty fresh! I really have noticed a difference in my skin, it's been clearing up blemish wise, and its overall appearance has improved, my pores appear smaller as all the crap has been cleaned out of them, and my skin looks and feels brighter.

If you're looking for a seriously good face mask for clearing up problematic skin, then give this a go. Being from Lush all the ingredients are super good for your skin, if you don't mind a really minty smell and a rather cold sensation on your face, I seriously think you'll love this magic mask
Pros: Actually improves skin/blemishes within first use
Gives a really fresh, clean feeling
Leaves skin feelings as soft as a babies bottom

Cons: If you're looking for a mask that makes you feel like you've stuck your face in a freezer, this ones for you!

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