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How to Use Adobe Illustrator's Pen Tool to Draw a Fashion Sketch

How to Use Adobe Illustrator's Pen Tool to Draw a Fashion Sketch bikini girl drawing

How to Use Adobe Illustrator's Pen Tool to Draw a Fashion Sketch already has 349261 views and 4.80 rating, How to Use Adobe Illustrator's Pen Tool to Draw a Fashion Sketch with 00:05:52 durations can helps you find the best way to get your real life.

bikini girl drawing

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Watch the revised (and much better quality) version here: http://learn.sewheidi.com/courses/make-the-pen-tool-your-friend

The pen tool is one of the most intimidating and frustrating tools in Illustrator. This tutorial will help you understand why it works the way it does so you can predict results instead of wondering what weird thing it's going to do next.

You will learn:
How to draw sharp Corners with the Pen Tool (01:00)
How to close a Path (01:11)
How to draw curves with the Pen Tool (01:24)
How to change the curve of your Line (01:37)
What are the Handles that extend off anchor points? (01:47)
How to turn a sharp corner into a curve (04:22)


Further your fashion design career by gaining confidence in AI - I'll show you exactly how in my free Ultimate Guide to Illustrator for Fashion: http://bit.ly/sfd-ug-ai

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Watch or download from source bikini girl drawing How to Use Adobe Illustrator's Pen Tool to Draw a Fashion Sketch

Watch all related from source bikini girl drawing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42IfGtYvoJA

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